Essential Information

Before you register to join a Club activity, it is important that you first read and agree to the Code of Conduct, and Essential Information document for the type of activity:

All of the above Essential Information documents make reference to First Aid Kit.

Here is the suggested NRBC First Aid Kit List, which includes NRBC Survival Gear List.

When participating in any Club activity, it is required that all members behave in an appropriate manner. Please read the Club's Code of Conduct

All members are encouraged to complete and carry an Emergency Medical Information slip during all Club activities.

In the event of any Grievance or Complaint, the Club Committee will follow the process as described here:

Grievance, Complaint and Dispute Resolution Process

Before starting any activity, the Leader will ask all participants to sign the Activity Attendance sign-on form, available from the page For Leaders. By signing this form, each participant agrees with the Club's procedures and requirements, and acknowledges the risks associated with the activity.

For more information on Risk Management for each activity, please refer to:

For walk Leaders, here is a great checklist of What to Do and What to Take when:

  • Planning a Walk

  • Prior to and During the Walk

  • At the End of the Walk

Please refer to: Walking Guidelines and Checklist